What is TESTNET?
Testnet is a copy of the blockchain that works in the same way to be used for testing and development purposes. Testnet TXNS are not saved forever, and testnet tokens have no value, but as a tool, testnet is hugely important.
You can get TEST BTC through faucets, or by mining it.
Below are some tutorials to help you to get test tokens from faucets.
For these tutorials we will be using UNISAT wallet.
As of right now we will be using UNISAT wallet, if you need to set up UNISAT for the first time, please refer to this tutorial.
LINK: unisat.io
Once you set up Unisat, make sure you are on testnet (video tutorials show this process as well)
1) Settings

2) NETWORK (default is LIVENET)


Testnet Bitcoin FAUCET Tutorials
The first faucet limits you to .0008 test btc an hour, and will work on most browsers. Please do not try and spam or game these faucets. When you are done testing, you can send the test BTC back to the faucet
at: tb1qw2c3lxufxqe2x9s4rdzh65tpf4d7fssjgh8nv6
It is TAPROOT native, so you can use your TAPROOT test wallet address which is the default on UNISAT (tutorial below)
The second method allows for .02 BTC once every 12 Hours. You will have to use a Native Segwit wallet address to receive the test BTC, and then send it to your taproot address to use Omnisat.
It is crucial to test before going live on mainnet, but a reminder that none of these transactions mean anything. ALSO -- TESTNET is way faster than mainnet. Feel free to use LOW sat rates.
Mempool. Space also has a testnet version :)
Have fun and as always LMK if you have any questions